Tuesday, February 24, 2009

viva las vegas

Looks like I'm stuck here.

Next to nobody knows that I started this blog yet, but soon enough you will (and will hopefully come back :) ). And some of you will have heard me mention that I was leaving Las Vegas and finally moving to New York City. I had determined that I hated it here and UNLV wasn't worth it and I miss family and friends and all that shit blah blah etc etc.

Oh well.

Even though I am ridiculously impulsive, I have decided that I gotta stay. And you should know that this past weekend I was feeling down because I had realized that I can't move to NYC, and then having to do the unthinkable and move back with my parents in Rhode Island, to realizing I have to stay here. All that in a matter of, like, a day. Yep, that is impulsive, but I did the same thing when I moved here in the first place....

"Hey look at that, UC-Berkeley doesn't have a photo program, but UNLV does. Guess I'm moving to Vegas!!!"

That really happened, and my little quote didn't do it justice. UNLV might be CCRI with a little better reputation, but its the best school that will accept me at this point, considering I let my grades fall in the toilet because I have hated my life. And it will be cheap, considering there really is no reason why I should be paying out of state tuition at this point. I've been here 2 1/2 years. And after looking at the website of good ol' URI and RIC, I would be considered out of state there too.....and UNLV is still cheaper.

So it is time to start ignoring the bad and start focusing on the good that comes from living here. I won't be wasting time as an art major like I was before, a program I hated and had no business being in. I am into photojournalism, and the program here is suited for fine arts. I have never had the urge to take fashion photos, and I'm not gonna pay all this money to start now. So despite some of my friends inevitable urges, it is journalism school for me. And fortunately, the journalism program here is looking up and they even just built a brand sparkling new facility for it.

And besides, Las Vegas isn't so bad. I am guilty of the same thing most miserable people here do......blame Vegas. Sure, this place is full of some real fuckin weirdos, and those of us not into reality TV and dumbass celebrities and shit have a tough time. This is the only place in the world where I can make friends with a bartender by talking about how we have nothing in common with anyone and our social lives leave something to be desired. This recently happened. People here come and go so quick, and most people don't like it here, believe it or not. This makes forming relationships very tough, especially for the painfully shy such as myself. But this isn't Vegas's fault. I blame me.

So now it's time to remind myself of the things I do like about here. I am hours away from weekend trips to LA, SF, Salt Lake, and Phoenix. Nevada as a state isn't very smart, but there is nowhere else that you are as free. There is something trulyawesome about the way it looks at sunset. The little towns in the middle of nowhere, with a few gas stations and a Peppermill casino, are fascinating to me. The Peppermill Lounge on the strip. The liquor laws. My cheap ass rent. Downtown Vegas. In N Out Burger. The unique history, if that is a good way to put it. The few people that I do know. The people I would like to get to know more. The visitors from home.

So yep....buy the ticket, take the ride, buddy. Might as well go celebrate with a frosty Celebration Ale at Freakin Frog!!!

And besides, I dunno if I really wanted to leave in the first place.

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